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- X-Grams V1.0
- (C) by Guido Wegener 18.8.1990
- Eisenacher Str. 2
- °ª° 5300 Bonn 1
- West Germany
- This program is Freeware and may be copied as long as this .doc-file is
- included and no profit is made by distributing.
- You may use parts of this program if you mention the author.
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- Druides and Conjurers
- Mages and Wizards,
- Priests and Witches,
- Exorcists and Sorcerers
- of all planes !
- I have the honor to provide you with a new device for your dark researches.
- Let me start speaking by descibing my latest project.
- To solve the mysteries of the pyramids, I went there and found an unknown
- entrance to the Sphinx. There was a secret chamber in there with one ancient
- book in it. You will understand my blissfulness when I heared a sepulchral
- voice, 'Talem Xeleb Uin Berehhwrovn doon !'. The book's title was even more
- interesting : 'Elem, Demon of Egypt's pharaos; How to conjure, master and
- feed the mighty force'. Back in my dark castle, I started reading ...
- After reading the advantages of this demon, I wanted to call him to my
- sercive. I did the rituals and wanted to start drawing the standard
- pentagram, when I read what kind of sign this demon wanted :
- No octagram, no heptagram (my favourite), no pentagram...
- He wanted a star with 11 edges, cycling the center for 4 times.
- I stood there, gazing at the pages for nearly 10 minutes.
- Then I started to draw. I had to hurry very much (You know, blood
- dries fast (particularly human blood)). But I failed and conjured a
- simple Marsian ghost !
- What a shame !
- That was the first time I thought of this new project, a machine that
- draws every kind of penta-, hepta-, hexa- and octagrams.
- I will explain how it works :
- Conjure the powerfull Workbench or the ancient ghost of CLI.
- Force either of them to start a ritual called 'X-Grams'.
- (For all novices out there : Click the x-gram icon or say the magic
- formel 'x-gram'.)
- A window in the planes of time, space and logic will grow on the surface
- of your cristal ball. On the right side you will notice two ractangular
- patterns with some cryptic word above each other. Move your magic finger
- to the topmost shape and click it ! An orange shape will appear in the
- rectangle. This shape tells you the position of your astral body in the
- 23.56th dimension. As you should be used to, you may enter a magic number
- there and hit the magic return-key. The shape will now teleport to the
- lower box, where you may enter a second number, but now the return-key
- will start a small demon ('The ghost of Einstein') to paint the pattern.
- The first number is the number of edges, the second number represents the
- number of edges you have to go right to find the point where the line from
- the starting edge must lead to. If you did not understand this, experiment
- with the device, it is designed to be used in crazy ways and will not
- awaken any arcane forces to seek revenge.
- To close the window, press the little gadget to the left and everything
- will return to it's normal state.
- This spell will need the powerfull ingredience of 'mathtrans.library',
- so keep a bottle of this in your boot-book !
- Death to the forces of light, goodness and assembler !
- Archmages unite !
- Keep your books write-protected !
- And buy the latest demon of Rainbird : Tower of Babel.
- Greetings to all of you, hoping to hear of your magic projects...
- Wonko the Sane, Archmage of Xeldon, King of the Planes
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- Hi Freaks !
- If you wonder what the previous text means, then read this passage !
- After a night with lots of alcohol I went to my Amiga and noticed that
- it was switched on. So I must have been using it in that night !
- But what I saw was horrible : I found the above text and a C-source file
- on my very own current self-made-disk !
- After some research I found out that I must have been very stoned ('Drink
- wet cement to get really stoned !'). With my mind in space, my body in a
- grave, my head on a ship on a stormy sea and my eyes in the darkest
- night, a powerfull ghost must have got control of me and forced me to type
- these files.
- After some studies I found out the following points :
- X-Grams is a normal porggy designed to draw useless patterns like
- pentagrams and heptagrams.
- There are two gadgets :
- Points : The number of edges your shape should have.
- Step : The number og edges that have to be skipped to get the end
- of the current line.
- After entering the STEP X-Grams will start to draw the pattern.
- Examples :
- Pentagram : Points=5 Step=2
- Octagram : Points=8 Step=3
- Heptagram : Points=7 Step=2 or 3
- Hey guys, I know that the program is very useless, but since I play
- role-playing-games like SdL I had to practice these patterns.
- I (and others) did this in school and after a while all tables were full
- of heptagrams and stars with 100 edges. I thought that this was silly !
- So I wrote this little piece of uselessness to make life easier.
- I know that there are better progs on the PD-market, but there are even
- worse things living on some series... That is why I thought ,'Put it on
- the disk, it's better to have a useless file than to have free blocks !'.
- The PD-series that spread this file must be very stupid (or 10^6-cool).
- If Fred <>< publishes this prog, I will have to talk with him about some
- other programs I sent to him (PointerSisters, MiceInLove) that he did NOT
- publish. When talking about Fred Fish, I will have to mention that this
- pig did not send back our disk that we gave him half a year ago !
- God buy,
- Guido Wegener (Wonko the Sane) of CLUSTER
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- CLUSTER is a legal programming formation mainly working on Amiga, coding
- Freeware (and perhaps some commercial programs later).
- CLUSTER was founded on January 1989 with the following members:
- André Wichmann, Guido Wegener, Martin Rosenkranz, Martin Baumann, Philipp
- Witkop, Stefan Kaspari, Stefan Lietzow and Giang Nguyen.
- Then we reduced our members to the best and got a new programmer.
- Now, on 18.8.1990, we have the following members:
- André Wichmann Coding
- Guido Wegener Coding
- Martin Mohr Coding
- Martin Rosenkranz Graphics
- Philipp Witkop Digitizing
- If you want to contact any member of CLUSTER (legal !!!) then write to
- our address:
- André Wichmann
- Posener Weg 4
- 5300 Bonn 1
- West Germany
- André will give the letter to the addressed member.
- Send errors, corrections, supporting ideas, criticism, enthusiastic fan-
- letters and money to the author: Guido Wegener
- Eisenacher Str. 2
- 5300 Bonn 1
- West Germany